Secure Your Retirement: 10 Essential Steps to Take Now - Part 2

10 Steps to Take Now to Secure a Comfortable Retirement: Part 2

Welcome back to our discussion on securing a comfortable retirement! In the first part of this series, we explored essential steps including estate planning, preparing for long-term care, and passing on your legacy. In part two of our series, we'll delve into additional steps you can take to enrich your golden years. With these steps, you can be more financially stable. And these steps can provide you with independence, health, and continued personal growth. So let's pick up where we left off. Learn how you can secure your retirement.

Step 6: Consider Your Housing Needs

Why It’s Important:

Adapting your living environment to meet your changing mobility and health needs can enhance your independence and quality of life (and who doesn’t want that?!). As we age, our physical abilities change. A home that accommodates these changes helps maintain independence, reduces accident risks, and can delay or avoid the need for assisted living. Comfortable and accessible living conditions also significantly enhance happiness and well-being in later years.

Practical Steps:

  • Assess Home Accessibility: Evaluate your home for potential mobility issues. Consider modifications like ramps, wider doorways, or bathroom grab bars.

  • Explore Senior-Friendly Housing Options: If extensive modifications are too costly or impractical, consider moving to a senior-friendly community that offers additional amenities and services.

Step 7: Embrace Technology for Independence

Why It’s Important:

Modern technology can significantly improve the convenience and safety of daily life for seniors. Technologies that assist with daily tasks can extend independence, reduce caregiver burden, and enhance your overall quality of life. Additionally, health-monitoring technologies can alert caregivers and medical professionals to potential health issues before they become severe, ensuring timely medical intervention. 

Practical Steps:

Most people who have estate plans with health care documents have them stored on a shelf and aren’t accessible when they need them. That’s no good in the event of an emergency. You need to let your loved ones know where those documents are. Better yet, make sure your agents have copies of those documents.

  • Health Monitoring Technologies: Employ devices that can monitor vital signs and remind you to take medications. Your doctor may be able to help with this.

  • Consider Using Smart Home Devices: You can automate lighting, heating, and security to manage your home environment easily. If you aren’t technologically savvy, ask a younger family member to help. Gen Z can figure that out in a heartbeat!

Step 8: Stay Active and Engaged

Why It’s Important:

Active engagement in physical, social, and mental activities can significantly enhance your quality of life and health in retirement. Maintaining an active lifestyle helps prevent common age-related health problems, improves mental health, and provides valuable social interactions that can combat loneliness and depression. When you engage in a variety of activities you also keep your mind sharp and gain a sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Practical Steps:

  • Join Community Groups or Clubs: Engage in activities that match your interests, such as book clubs, gardening, or volunteering. If you’re active on Facebook, you can find groups there that meet in your local community. Joining online groups counts too!

  • Regular Exercise: Participate in senior-friendly exercise programs to maintain health and mobility.

  • Pursue New Learning Opportunities: Consider taking classes at local community colleges or online to keep your mind sharp and learn new skills.

Step 9: Develop a Sustainable Retirement Budget

Why It’s Important:

A well-planned budget is crucial to ensure that your savings last throughout your retirement years. A sustainable budget helps you manage your finances effectively, avoiding overspending and ensuring that you have funds available for unexpected expenses. A good budgeting practice can also help you maintain a comfortable lifestyle while safeguarding against market volatility and economic downturns.

Practical Steps:

  • Identify Essential vs. Non-Essential Expenses: Consider making adjustments to your spending habits if needed to ensure you can cover necessary costs while still enjoying your retirement.

  • Plan for Unexpected Costs: Include a buffer in your budget for unforeseen expenses to avoid financial strain.

  • Start living on your retirement budget BEFORE you retire!

As part of our estate planning process, we will help you get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before. Together, you’ll create a complete asset inventory (we call it a “personal resource map”, so you know exactly what you have and how long it will last. The inventory also ensures that your loved ones will be able to find your assets after you’re gone, so nothing is lost to the government. Check out your State’s Department of Unclaimed Property website and prepare to be shocked to see how much money has been lost! Traditional estate planning attorneys will not help you, but we includ the inventory as part of every estate plan. 

Step 10: Review and Adjust Your Estate Plan Regularly

Why It’s Important:

Life changes. And, so should your estate plan to ensure it continues to meet your evolving needs and circumstances. Regular reviews ensure your plan works when you and your family need it to, keeping them out of court and conflict after you’re gone. If your estate plan is current with the ever-changing estate and tax laws, chances are it will work and your wishes will be honored if you become incapacitated or when you die.

Practical Steps:

  • Regular Estate Plan Reviews. As part of our services, we include an estate plan review every 3 years at no charge. We do try to include as many possible future events that could happen in every plan we create. But, events may occur that we could not have envisioned happening. Or, your wishes may have changed

  • Regular Financial Reviews: As part of our plan reviews, we also review your asset inventory regularly so that it stays up to date. This ensures your family will receive your assets, not the government.


And now we’ve come to the end of our 2-part series on how to enjoy your retirement with ease and peace of mind. I hope you’ve found this information helpful and inspired you to take action right away because what matters most to me is your ability to live a fulfilling life and give your loved ones a legacy they will treasure. 

We Can Help Secure Comfort in Your Retirement

At our firm, we do more than just assist with your immediate retirement planning needs. We ensure that your future is as vibrant and secure as possible. The intricacies of adapting your living space, integrating modern technology for better health and independence, staying socially and physically active, and managing your finances can make retirement seem overwhelming. We simplify these aspects and tailor solutions to fit your lifestyle and aspirations, all within your time and budget.

If you want to explore how we can help you develop a retirement plan that not only safeguards your finances but also enriches your daily life, we encourage you to book a complimentary 15-minute call with us. Together, let's make your retirement years as fulfilling and carefree as possible.

This article is a service of Kristen N. Mackintosh, The Happy Lawyer at Mackintosh Law, PLLC, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That's why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning Session™, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule a Life & Legacy Planning Session™.

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.


Define Your Legacy Through Estate Planning


Secure Your Retirement: 10 Essential Steps to Take Now - Part 1