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Estate Planning, Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh Estate Planning, Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh

Why Your Elderly Parent Needs a Power of Attorney

Making important decisions for aging parents can be a challenging task, but power of attorney (POA) can provide peace of mind and clarity in times of need. POA enables individuals to make crucial decisions on behalf of their parents, such as managing their finances or making medical decisions, when they are unable to do so themselves due to age or illness.

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Estate Planning, Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh Estate Planning, Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh

Do Your Parents Have An Estate Plan?

Are you in the “sandwich generation” (someone who is caring for both your children as well as your parents simultaneously)? If this is you, then you need to know whether or not your parents have an estate plan. So, ask yourself, “do your parents have an estate plan?”

If you are like most people, you probably do not know. And, the thought of speaking with your parents about their finances and estate planning probably makes you want to run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Nonetheless, having this conversation is the key to helping make sure your parents are able to live their golden years without financial worries and that their wishes are carried out after their death.

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Estate Planning, Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh Estate Planning, Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh

Third Party Supplemental Needs Trust

Creating a special needs trust (SNT), also sometimes referred to as a supplemental needs trust, can help you provide for a loved one who is disabled or has special needs while maintaining your loved one’s current benefits or leaving open the option for need-based governmental aid in the future, even if your loved one receives an inheritance. As long as the SNT meets certain legal criteria, the existence of the SNT and the amount of money and property inside it will not affect your loved one’s means test.

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Elder Law, Estate Planning Kristin Mackintosh Elder Law, Estate Planning Kristin Mackintosh

Essential Estate Planning Documents for Caregivers

November is National Caregiver month.  This month is a time to honor those who are caring for their aging parents. You may already be acting as a caregiver for one or more of your parents who are no longer able to look after themselves.  Or, due to their age, you may have be more involved in caring for your aging parents. As part of your caregiving, you need to know the essential estate planning documents for caregivers. 

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Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh

Dutiful Child Or Financial Manipulator?

Our parents age and their physical and mental capacities diminish.  We, as their adult children recognize our parents’ decreasing ability to care for themselves.  We see that we need to step in and help them. Often, one of us children will take over the bulk of the responsibilities such as taking the parent to doctor’s appointments or the attorney’s office. We see our parent begin to depend on thatchild more and more.  So, our parent decides to appoint that child as a trusted decision maker.  Our parent may even give them a larger inheritance to compensate them for their time. At the same time, the other childre must take extreme care to ensure that our elderly parent is not being exploited by a manipulative caretaker.   We need to ask ourselves, is our sibling caretake being a dutiful child or a financial manipulator?

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Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh

What Does An Elder Law Attorney Do For Seniors?

So what exactly does an elder law attorney do for seniors anyway? Elderly or disabled individuals are the focus of a broad array of legal concerns referred to as elder law. Practitioners of elder law are legal advocates who strive to devise appropriate legal strategies to help seniors and their families improve their lives. Elder law encompasses an extensive range of topics, including retirement planning, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, estate planning, long-term care planning, guardianships, and many others.

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Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh

Strategic Medicaid Planning

The steep costs associated with long-term care have made Medicaid planning a growing trend for middle-class Americans. Legally restructuring financial resources helps people qualify before the need for care arises.

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Estate Planning, Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh Estate Planning, Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh

What is Life Care Planning?

Elder law and estate planning are two concepts that are commonly confused. Nevertheless, these areas of law differ in important ways. Although there may be some overlap between them, it is essential to understand and utilize strategies from both fields to ensure a prosperous aging process and safeguard a family's heritage.  So, dive in and learn what is life care planning and why you need it.

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Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh Elder Law Kristin Mackintosh

Elder Abuse

If you have an elderly loved one, there are signs and circumstances to watch for that can help prevent all types of elder abuse, like these.

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